Friday, February 11, 2011

And It Was Not Your Fault But Mine, And It Was Your Heart On the Line.

Dear Julian,

An eventful past few days. The state race and all. And Dana.

Yes, Dana. The old threat. The ex-girlfriend who is slowly diminishing my hopes. But the girl I can't possibly bring myself to hate because she is a wonderful, nice person who had a little trouble with her ex-boyfriend Tyler. I feel so bad about that, because he was so mean to her. I mean awful. Graham may have stirred up problems where there were none, may have called me fat at one point, but nothing compared to Tyler. He just psychologically abused her, was obsessive and paranoid, and even hit her. She told me all this, tears edging their way out of her eyes. Her, Gabby, and I sat at a table, avoiding the cold of the outside, while she narrated a story filled with love and torture.

How could I hate her?

But there you were, flirting with her even as you sat next to me on the couch, our knees occasionally grazing, our shoulders sometimes making contact, our eyes locking from time to time. How could you not feel the energy between us? Maybe you can, but you choose to ignore it. Millions of theories run through my head, but they all go unanswered. Our Biology teacher told my class today that in science, theories are proven, as opposed to other things. But my theories aren't scientific, unfortunately.

The state race went really well, and I felt good about it. Dana of course beat me. I don't know how she got so good. I'll work really hard next year to beat her. Your ribbing at the Monday race motivated me. You skied over to me just to mock me, as you usually do, while I tried unsuccessfully to push you over while you laughed and skied around. That's when I had a lot of hope. Now, I stand on unsure ground.

I asked Dana about the two of you possibly getting together, and she isn't sure. She's still hung up on Tyler. It's a double-edged sword (30 Rock reference!) here. I want Dana to be in a healthy relationship, to get over Tyler, but I don't want her to be with YOU. I am contemplating telling her about my feelings for you. Bec says it might help with the situation but the only people I've told are her and Liz, in a moment of weakness while shopping for the Latin dinner. She told me a cute story about her and the representative of Papua New Guinea, how he flirted with her through notes like "I'm Czeching you out." (I think it's obvious now what country Liz was representing). And Liz has always been a calming, reasonable presence. But I'm yet to tell Bri.

It's weird, I tell Bri everything. But I'm afraid. She's been so lucky in love, her year anniversary with Joe was this week. I just feel so scattered next to her. Bec has experienced near my level of luck and Liz is too devoted to school to work on cultivating relationships. I'm not sure if that affects her or not. She seems happy. But I probably seem happy most of the time.

Also, Bri and I haven't had much alone time lately, time that hasn't been interrupted by others, mostly Joe. And I don't feel like telling her something this big over text after a lengthy discussion of Pretty Little Liars. I guess I'll know the right time when it comes up. If it ever comes up. Besides, I don't want to jinx this. Maybe the Dana thing came about because I told Liz. Maybe the less people I tell the better. Not really sure how that system works, but I'm willing to stick to it if it means a good end result.

In other good news, I got a 105% on that Bio test! It's a nice change from that 73% I got once-upon-a-don't-feel-like-studying. It felt good, and it's good to know that even in my unrequited love of an emotional state my brain is still functioning. When I took that test I think I forgot about you too, like when I did the state race. I need things like that, things that take up my entire mind, in order to keep sane, I think. I'm going to take up guitar again. I used to play in like, fifth and sixth grade, and I feel like it'll help relieve stress and give me some more sense of accomplishment.

I don't know what's going to happen with you and Dana. Dana doesn't seem all that sure about it, and maybe I can sway her away, not that I'm sure I want to. It's not really fair game, and I know that sounds weird. Maybe it's supposed to be this way, not that I believe in fate or anything, but I do believe in the butterfly effect. Maybe if I tell Dana I like you it'll warp something and we won't ever be together. I'm afraid of veering things off of a path that doesn't involve me. Well it do I explain this?! I think my mind is a little off-kilter or something, at least when it comes to this situation I have going here. Every little choice involving it seems so delicate and malleable, like it could change in an instant if I put my foot in the wrong place.

At least I don't have to worry about Carly. She told me today that you're not allowed to come near her because of some Keenan thing. You can be kind of a weasel sometimes but I think you'll follow something like that. Keenan can be pretty scary, plus he's got his "homies". Do white people have homies?



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