Saturday, February 5, 2011

And I'm Bound to Fall, Bound to Fall For You

Dear Julian,

Today was a rather busy day, and I'm finally home after leaving at 10 and returning at 3. It was busy in the sense that there was a lot of movement, a lot of exercise. Today I had Mock Rock practice, and I came face to face with my "enemies". And by "enemies", I mean people that you may or may not like, people that you may or may not date in the future. Carly, Erica, and Lexi. There were other girls there, but those girls do not pose a threat as of now. It feels like I'm in the military or something. And that's kind of funny to say because we have a sort of militia routine for our Mock Rock. "Sophomores ten hut!" Ten-hut? Tenhut?

As much as I try though, I can't hate these girls. Though they do stir up their fair share of drama, Erica and I used to run together. Carly's the president to my VP. And Lexi's simpleness is charming in a way, she's undeniably sweet. They all have a different charisma about them, one that draws people, similar to your charisma, the way you befriend people with a few words out of your mouth. I wonder how people just have that about them. I don't make friends that easily. I mean, I have a lot of friends, but it doesn't take an instant like it takes you.

After Mock Rock got out, Charlotte and I went on a Mocha run. Even though Char can be a scary driver, it's fun in her car. She turns up the Top 40 music and we sing together. I paid for our chais and we arrived to practice 20 minutes early, minutes we spent sitting in the car licking the foam off the inside of the cup and drinking the last sips of warm orgasmic tea. Then practice began. Charlotte and I skied around until we reached The Rock, the meeting place our coach designated. Then I saw you.

You usually don't go to weekend practice. Or at least, you didn't go to the one last week. I wasn't expecting to see you. But there you were. Our coach set us up for those sprint races, and oh, how I hoped that I would get to race you. We're around the same level race-wise, you've beaten me but I've beaten you. I think you may be better than me. I don't know, I haven't seen your race results. But our coach put you in A and me in B. Though you made fun of me for it, you got eliminated in your group and I got third in B, behind Nick (who is boss, let's admit) and Dillon (who cheated and tripped me).

Our coach set us free for free ski, and I went with Bri, who surprisingly did not ski with Joe. I love alone time with Bri, we don't really get it that much. We skied around and I wasn't too far behind her, I was even in front of her for a little bit, but I'm pretty sure she let me. If I can at least keep up with her, I know that I'm doing well.

Then we reached The Hill. As you know, The Hill is where people climb to the top and take a treacherous ski down it. It's the fun part of free ski. You were there with your friends and I was there with Bri. The first time Bri went down, you scared her into falling, but I made it past you, Julian pal. Bri and I unsuccessfully tried to make a gate out of poles when you came down but you made it past. The second time I got up, you blatantly stood right in the tracks. "CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!" I shouted at the top of the hill, tucking my poles and zooming down The Hill. You moved out of the way, but as you did, Nate started to move into your place. Freaked, I lost my balance and fell.

"You shouldn't have accepted my challenge, Jerrica," you said a little bit later on, as we crossed over to another part of The Hill track. You stood there in front of Joe, moving swiftly out of the way when he got close. Then it was Bri's turn. She took her poles off and you thought that she was going to hit you with them, so you started whipping yours around. I moved closer to you and we began to battle, until I lost my balance (again) and fell. Our eyes locked for probably 15 seconds. I wondered what was going through your head at that time, but I couldn't tear myself away from your gaze until we both kind of looked away at the same time, towards Bri, who was flying down The Hill when she fell before she even got to you.

That was my encounter with you today. Even if it was limited as always, even if you did a strange wrestle with Dana, I still left feeling like it was just a great time overall. The sprint races were actually pretty fun, I don't know what you thought about them, because you kept losing where I was winning.

Too bad life can't be that way, eh? Seems like it's a little bit of the opposite. Though I still hold out hope, the kind of hope that these days give me. Do you have hope for us too? Hope that you are too afraid to disclose? Or confusion over who you want to be with?



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