Monday, January 31, 2011

I Want Your Drama, the Touch of Your Hand

Dear Julian,

Sorry about the title. Well I don't really know your views on Lady Gaga specifically, but my brother is watching the music video and it's all I could really think of to say. But it's true, I do in fact "want your bad romance".

We had a sort of moment today, and I'm not sure I interpreted it correctly, but you were skiing and you stopped when you saw me, Dillon, and Duffy looking for our coach. I asked, "[Julian], do you know where [our coach] is?" I know you knew I was talking, because you were looking right in my eyes. Your gorgeous teal-blue eyes looking straight into my soul. But then you said, "What? Sorry." Like you had just snapped out of a trance. But then not like, twenty minutes later you were flirting with Dana, which is okay sort of because she is hopelessly devoted to Tyler and anything she has for you might just be residual from previous experiences.

We talked in snippets throughout practice, and that was nice because just a few seconds of talking to you makes me feel all wonderful inside. I feel complete around you. I don't know if you feel it too, this sense of calm and overall well-being, like a space inside you gets filled. I'm probably mentally sick over this whole situation. I think about you constantly, and I know that it's not at all healthy or prudent of me.

I've been trying to up my karma by doing nice things like signing people out for computers and letting Megan copy the last two of the Bio problems on the homework. Anything so that the karmic gods will give me you. I don't really know how that sort of thing works. But karma seems to make sense to me. We've had this discussion. It just makes sense that the universe has a certain balance to it, you know? Well yes, you do. We talked about it.

I just don't know why you choose those vapid girls over me. Seriously. "Hahahaha Lexi. I just got dominated!" when she made up that lame poem about when you said girls are icky. "[julian] thinks girls are icky, cuz he wants a bigger dicky." Something like that. While I said:

"Hey [Julian], is that coat in that closet you're in?"
You said, "Yes Jerrica, right next to your shaving kit and hiking boots."
I said, "I'm questioning why all my stuff is in your closet in the first place..."

And then the whole Lexi debacle. Dear lord. Just because she's hot. Beauty fades. But other than that beauty she's about as bright as a broken light bulb. She's nice, really, but just so DUMB. You're so intelligent! How can you stand it? I could barely stand Graham sometimes. But I suppose you value hotness over intelligence these days.



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