Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We Meet in the Middle on Our Way Back Down to Earth

Dear Julian,

It's been awhile. I'm trying to sort my feelings out. I still feel things for you, still think about you, but it isn't as bad. We don't talk anymore, and I don't try to talk to you, so maybe that helps. Nordic may have made it worse, since I would see you and you would talk to me and ignite that feeling. Right now I'm just kind of focusing on school, which is essentially working since I'm doing pretty well for myself right now.

I don't know where any of my feelings lie right now, I feel so scattered in that regard. I'm even flirting with guys who have girlfriends, which is bad, I know. I try not to but it's so tempting. You had the same thing anyway, but with girls. We're probably just too similar to be together. We feel a connection in our similarity but not enough of a connection to be together.

I talked to my mom the other day about how different her and my dad are. She said that they complement each other. Maybe we didn't. We clashed, beautifully and wonderfully, but we clashed. Andrew and I were too similar and he annoyed me and he still annoys me now. This is due to the fact that he's so freaking emo whenever he's near me and I'm so sick of all his shit but I don't want to talk to him about it even though it creeps under my skin. Not in a good way. Seriously. And we're going to be doing track together so he better get over his stupid neuroses.

Blargh. I feel weird right now. I'm cold and tired and really bored but it's snowing even though it's March (boooo) and I don't feel very creative to be writing something but here I am. Not really sure what else to do, and I hate saying I'm bored because that's what fat people say when they could be outside exercising but I can't because the weather keeps changing from snow to rain and the roads are shit. And I already did some exercising nonsense inside like jumping jacks and various cardio things to some Biebs.

Complainy complainer fun times. Sigh.

